An AoC Intro to Haskell - Day 1, Part 1

Last updated 2020-04-10

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Day1, Part1 is very straightforward. We need to calculate the total fuel requirement to launch a series of modules, where the requirement for one module is:

fuel = max(mass // 3 - 2, 0)

Where mass is the mass of the module and // is floor division (rounding down). We take the max of the result versus zero to ensure we don't get a negative fuel value.

The best we can do here is O(n), as we need to do the calculation of each module. The input is the module weights, line-separated:


Iterative Approach

A naive iterative approach, using Python 3 as an example, assuming our input has already been read into an array of integers called ipt (input is a builtin func in Python 3):

total = 0

for i in ipt:
    total += max(i // 3 - 2, 0)

Functional (Python) Approach

We can convert the above to a semi-functional approach while still using Python. This will help inform our pure functional Haskell solution:

total = sum(map(lambda i: max(i // 3 - 2, 0), ipt))

I've used map here instead of a list comprehension because map returns a generator while a list comprehension produces a list. Not a huge performance gain, but the laziness better simulates Haskell (more on that later).

Haskell: Reading in the File

The first thing I'm going to do is make the problem more complicated than it is treated above. File I/O in Python is old hat, so I omitted it, but I/O in Haskell is interesting. This is because Haskell is pure, and I/O is decidedly not.

Practically, Haskell functions are separated into pure and impure. Pure ones are ones that are mathematical, deterministic, don't have side-effects, and always return something (technically only the side-effects part is necessary though). Having these properties is fantastic from a programming perspective, as it allows all sorts of great assumptions about correctness and optimizations.

Impure functions are ones that have side-effects, can break, are possibly nondeterministic. I/O falls into this category. Therefore, any function in Haskell that uses I/O is automatically impure. If a function calls an impure function, it also becomes impure. The impurity "spreads", so it encourages the programmer to keep their impure functions separate from their pure functions as much as possible.

Every Haskell program has a main function, which is decidedly impure, as, at the very first, it reads arguments from standard input.

Enough manifesto – let's read a file:

main = do
    rawInput <- readFile "input.txt" -- Read input file to String

In main, we want to do three things:

  1. Read the input file (above)
  2. Parse it to a list of integer module weights
  3. Calculate the sum of the fuel values for those integers

We use the do keyword because we want to do multiple things in which the order is important.

The above accomplishes step 1. readFile has the function signature FilePath -> IO String. The IO part of IO String tells us that this is an "I/O monad" containing a String. We can talk more about monads later, but in this case, simply think of it as a wrapper that may contain a String or may contain an IOError. Functions are called by simply listing the name, then the arguments space-separated: myFunc arg1 arg2 arg3.

<- optimistically unwraps the IO String to get at the String underneath, then binds it to the variable rawInput. If there was an I/O error, this is where it would crash.

Anything that starts with -- is a comment.

So now we have a variable bound to a String, which contains our entire input file (we don't really have this, on account of laziness, but shush for now).

Haskell: Parsing the String

Time for step 2 – we need to turn our String into a list of integers.

(Warning: I'm going to be doing the rest of this in a very obtuse way all within the main function. This is because I can illustrate the most concepts that way in the smallest amount of space.)

Let's (proactive pun) add another line to our main:

main = do
    rawInput <- readFile "input.txt"
    -- Parse the String to a list of Ints
    let input = [read i :: Int | i <- lines rawInput] in
        -- TODO

Looks weird, yeah? Here's the breakdown:

lines is a function with a signature String -> [String]. That is, it takes a String and produces a list of Strings by splitting the original String on newline characters.

Constructs of the form [myFunc x | x <- myList] are list comprehensions. Just like Python's comprehension, it takes a list to the right of the <- and an operation to the left of the | and applies the operation to each list item (bound to x) to produce a new list (just like map). The above in Python would look like [myFunc(x) for x in myList].

In the Python 3 version of this, I used map to attempt laziness via a Python generator. In Haskell, pretty much everything is lazy by default, and this applies to list comprehension.

read i :: Int is a typecast, in a way. read is a funny Haskell function with the signature Read a => String -> a which means "given a type, a that is part of the Read typeclass (can be parsed), attempt to parse the given String to that type." Wordy, but more simply, "try to parse this String to an Int" in this concrete case.

So, overall, let input = [read i :: Int | i <- lines rawInput] is a one-liner that splits our raw input into lines, parses each line to an Int, then binds that list of Ints to the variable input.

Why does this binding use let instead of <- like the readFile one? Because this operation is (theoretically) pure – there's no IO Monad involved. Let bindings contextually bind a value to a variable name for the scope of their body (the in block).

Haskell: Finishing the Calculation

All that's left now is to perform the actual calculation, which we'll do in the let ... in body using, you guess it, a list comprehension.

Our final program (less the comments) is below:

main = do
    rawInput <- readFile "input.txt"
    let input = [read i :: Int | i <- lines rawInput] in
        -- Perform the calculation and print result
        print $ sum [max 0 $ quot i 3 - 2 | i <- input]

Your first question is probably "$???", and we'll get to that.

The list comprehension is the same as before, except we aren't doing any extra work on the right side of it, as we already have the input list we want.

The operation is max 0 $ quot i 3 - 2, which is a mouthful. quot is a function with signature a -> a -> a that performs integer division, truncated towards zero (rounded down). This signature looks weird, and that's because Haskell functions only actually take a single argument. Ever. At least, that's how it's abstracted. So how can division occur, as obviously division requires two arguments? Simple: when given the first argument, quot returns a curried function with signature a -> a, which the second argument is given to. You'll get used to it.

quot i 3 takes i and divides it by 3, rounding down. Function application has really high precedence in Haskell, so the quot i 3 - 2 can be read as ((quot i) 3) - 2) in a kind of pseudo-Polish Notation, or quot(i)(3) - 2 in a curried-function notation, or quot(i, 3) - 2 in a more familiar C-style notation.

Now we can talk about max 0 $ quot i 3 - 2. max is a function with signature Ord a => a -> a -> a – it consumes two arguments of the same type, a, that are of Typeclass Orderable, and returns the maximum of the two. The $ is actually a function (gasp! though it's probably actually a kind of macro) with the signature (a -> b) -> a -> b. It's an infix function, meaning it's first and second arguments are on either side of it. On the left, a function that takes an a and returns a b (note: these can be the same type, they just aren't guaranteed to be). max 0 fits this bill, as max, with one argument applied, returns an (a -> a). $ then takes its right argument and applies it to the left argument.

Why do all this work though? The main reason is code cleanliness. Without the $, max 0 quot i 3 (I'm omitting the - 2 for brevity) would be interpreted as ((max 0 quot) i 3), as function application has very high precedence. $ evaluates its right argument first, then applies it to it's left argument, so max 0 $ quot i 3 is instead interpreted (max 0) (quot i 3), which could also be thought of as (max 0 (quot i 3)). Mentally, when you see a $, it's the same as replacing $ with a ( and adding a ) at the end of the line. max 0 $ quot i 3 becomes max 0 (quot i 3).

After our list comprehension is done, we have a list of all the fuel weights, and we apply that to sum, a function with signature (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a. Foldables are anything that can be "folded" into a single value, and Nums are numbers (obviously). sum folds our list into a single value by accumulating each element with +.

print has the signature Show a => a -> IO (). Typeclass Show includes any type that has a way to be displayed as a String. IO () is an I/O Monad that doesn't contain anything. This is used because writing to standard out can still error, but if it succeeds, we don't expect a value back. We use $ again so that print doesn't just try to (print sum) ..., which would be pretty useless.

Haskell: Final Program

I can confirm that our final program:

main = do
    rawInput <- readFile "input.txt"
    let input = [read i :: Int | i <- lines rawInput] in
        print $ sum [max 0 $ quot i 3 - 2 | i <- input]

Nets me the correct solution for Day 1, Part 1. It's not pretty, but that wasn't the point. Obviously this could be refactored to use separate functions, and map could be used instead of list comprehensions if you like that style.

$ runhaskell day-1-1.hs

Eventually, Day 1, Part 2 will adapt this code further, and introduce a little recursion for funsies.

— Mitch